The Logos Project
The Logos Project
E113 The Suppression of the Jesuits (w/ Dr. Shaun Blanchard)
Level: intermediate
In this video I am joined by Dr. Shaun Blanchard to speak about the suppression of the Jesuits.
Shaun Blanchard is Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute for Newman Studies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A graduate of North Carolina, Oxford, and Marquette, Shaun writes on a variety of topics in early modern and modern Catholicism. He is the author of The Synod of Pistoia and Vatican II (OUP: 2020) and, with Ulrich Lehner, co-edited The Catholic Enlightenment: A Global Anthology (CUA: 2021). Forthcoming works include an anthology of Jansenist sources (co-edited with Richard Yoder), and Vatican II: A Very Short Introduction (co-authored with Stephen Bullivant).
He lives in Baton Rouge with his wife Ann-Marie, and loves cats, fried chicken sandwiches, and English beer. Shaun’s devotion to the University of North Carolina’s football team has taught him more about eschatological hope than any of his theological study.
Dr. Blanchard's book on Pistoia:
Dr. Blanchard's book on Vatican II:
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